Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Special little somethings

If you're after that special something for a little person in you life, Smiggle has two products that rate a second look. First there's the Voodoo Pencil Case (heart-shaped black and red pins apparently sold separately) which is doll-shaped, made of canvas, and has a place on the head for a photo! And then, supposedly, but I haven't been able to find details on this, there's another product which encourages children to "Hug a Stranger". Concern about these products has been raised with Smiggle by the Kids Free 2B Kids group.
For all non-children whose curiosity is now piqued and who do want to hug a stranger, full instructions can be found at Hug-a-Stranger which also has links on how to give a good hug; and how to defend against a bear hug from behind.

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