Saturday, December 29, 2007

Name that tune

Don't you hate it when you know you know a song but can't quite get it? We spent an hour or so trying to remember a song in a movie and finally, finally got enough of it to work out what we thought it was. (Thanks to D who we texted to see if she could think of it. Amazing how few people you think it's going to be okay to text to ask if they remember a song ...) Then we searched for the soundtrack on the net and found two versions of it ... which we could listen to an excerpt of. But then, tonight, as we stood in line at the Toowoomba Golf Club, waiting to order our meals, the band playing in the Lounge, close enough to hear but not close enough to be intrusive, started playing it. "You got it." And if we didn't already have it at that stage, we hope that would have been the Universe's way of putting us out of our misery.

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