Thursday, December 20, 2007

Flight mode

Every holiday period you hear of long delays at airports in the US. It never occurred me to wonder why - except that there were a lot of people flying - and really, there are delays to US flights all the time. But I read today that there are plans to restrict the number of flights using JFK and Newark airports during peak periods.
The reason the government is calling for this - to cut delays. Makes sense doesn't it. Will be interesting to see how the airlines cope with this. Not sure if it will translate as a loss of business/revenue for them or more difficulty getting on a flight/higher fares for the travelling public.
And on the subject of airports, word has it that Sydney's airport will have one of its runways lengthened and while this maintenance is underway, some flights may need to be diverted to other cities. And they will be changing the flight path/s. I find the "will be" interesting because I have certainly noticed more aircraft traffic over our suburb already.

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