Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Vale Kane

l get a regular monthly email reminding me to go to the Antipodean Science Fiction site and get the latest flash fiction stories. This month's is just out and as I was reading them this afternoon I came across one which was very sad. Kane de Boe's story Red was published but his biography wasn't

Unfortunately, Kane de Boe did not get the chance to submit a bio for AntipodeanSF. His partner Tracie, wrote to me after "Red" was accepted for publication:

"I am sad to inform you that Kane de Boe was murdered on 31/05/2006 by his ex-wife’s father <http://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au/story/0,20797,19332868-952,00.html>. Kane was a good man who loved his children dearly. He leaves behind 7 children: Troy 16yrs, Cameron 10yrs, Kalen 9yrs, Michael 6yrs, Fynnegan 2yrs, and the youngest born 3 days after his death is Isabella."

Vale Kane...

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