Friday, July 07, 2006

Scaring myself

Following a blog a while ago about cremations now being legally allowed in Greece, Sooz told me that because of the acute shortage of burial space, bodies are un-interred a year after burial in a ritual ceremony which includes cleaning the bones - and is part of the grieving process. That's about as much as I know. Except that when looking on the net for more information, I chanced across Vrykolakas - one of several non-human beings which inhabit the lives of Greek peasants and Â? bring them fear! I can identify with that. I was sufficiently interested to copy a couple of articles from the net to read them later - and I started to, but I absolutely scared myself and decided it would be best not to. (I had enough experiences of lying awake at night unable to sleep because I kept seeing vampire faces when I made the mistake of watching Buffy, The Vampire Slayer too close to bedtime ie not in daylight hours.) What I was interested in finding out was whether the Vrykolakas were similar to vampires, and whether there were a majority of cultures which believe in the undead (in whatever form they might be). [Stopping now.]

1 comment:

Purple Sea Urchin said...

I have some news for you that might "scare" you a little more. I submitted your site to Technorati and guess what? If you ever decided to sell this site, you'd get $564.54 for it. USD. ;)