Friday, July 07, 2006

Fear Campaign

Is it true that you can scare people into "healthy" behavior? There are two ads doing the rounds at the moment which try to Scare people into either not smoking or not using their mobile phone while driving. The anti-smoking ad shows a man's gangrening leg about to be removed - and has now turned up on buses as well as on television. I am now making it my mission to talk with individual smokers to complain - if they all gave up, then I wouldn't have to be assailed by the image of a cigarette that morphs into aforementioned gangrening leg. The mobile phone one has a woman driver reaching over to the back seat to get a ringing mobile phone and when it appears in frame it is a gun that she goes to point at her temple. The ad has the super "Dead Ringer". It would be interesting to see the numbers on how well the ads had worked, and how would you collect short-term and long-term metrics for this?

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