Monday, May 08, 2006

Bad Twin

Just when you thought you'd seen it all - you can now read a novel by a fictional author. And lots have because " Bad Twin" by Gary Troup has bumped "The Da Vinci Code" from 1st place of the Amazon best-seller list. Not bad work by Troup, whose manuscript for "Bad Twin" was found in some "Lost" luggage - "Lost" being the television series about a group of survivors of a plane crash and Others on an island deep in the Pacific Ocean. The 300-page mystery/detective thriller is published (? was commissioned) by Hyperion which is refusing to identify Troup's Ghost Writer. There are theories as to their identity though - like Stephen King. Wonder how long it will be before we know for sure.
Which brings me to my current pet peeve - why is it taking so long for e-publishing to gain decent traction in the book market. (Yes, l am aware of the irony of calling it a "book" market when an e-version obviously isn't [a book]!)

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