Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Use your headset!

This is reproduced in toto from the Wired's Gear Factor page because I'm not sure how long the link lasts (there's new material all the time). In today's world where we are contantly reminded not to use mobile phones while driving - this shows that not everyone is getting the message (maybe someone should phone it in!).
In a car crash that perfectly illustrates the importance of hands-free mobile devices, a Kentucky woman flipped her truck after veering into the median, and severed her arm in the crash. Fortunately, the woman and her six-year-old daughter survived the crash, and paramedics were able to locate the woman's severed arm, which was found still clutching the phone she was talking on when the crash began. The woman was flown to the hospital in serious condition. Use your headsets, people!

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