Sunday, August 28, 2005

Holy flying humanoids Batman!

You just never know what you're going to find on the internet. I went searching for more information on the person spotted flying over Serbia, when I came across another blogger's site which talked about this AND other flying humanoids. Apparently Mexicans have been seeing this phenomenon for the last few years - and even videotaping it. Except, from the tone of the article, the sight hasn't necessarily filled them with awe and wonder - so it's no wonder they're referred to as "entity" (which, either rightly or wrongly, has always had a bit of a negative connotation about it). This could have something to do with one of the FH's having attacked a policeman. One of the links from the "flying humanoid site" will take you to this story: In January 16, 2004, a police officer from Guadalupe, N.L. was attacked by a mysterious flying being while on routine patrol in his police car in the Colonia Valles de la Silla neighborhood. The time was 3:15 AM and the dramatic incident caused a complete police mobilization and a serious commotion among the neighbors.
So how many countries have experienced similar sightings? Have any of them also had experiences of the Mothman - of the Mothman Prophecies - sorry, not sure why I need to put that, because there probably isn't more than one Mothman! But of course I'd be wrong about that ... check out if you're in the mood for some stories of a man and his moths!.
No, Mothman was the name given to a strange creature sighted many times in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia, on the border with Ohio between November 1966 and November 1967. If you think you remember a movie about this, you'd be right.
For more information on this Mothman you can visit Wikipedia's entry or this cryptozoology site.


Belgrade Daily Photo said...

I live in Serbia and heard about this when it first happened. Well now the word on the street is that someone had a remote-controlled helium balloon and cape-wearing dummy.

To me that doesn't sound plausible. I'm not sure if there is any evidence of the balloon or a dummy though.

Also in the original reports in Serbian the 'phantom' had glowing eyes.

Elizabeth said...

K, have you had your medication checked lately??