Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Customer Service

People are always quick to criticise public transport. Only this week there was a story in the Sydney media about the Rail spending $1 million plus on taxi fares for their staff - for a variety of reasons including, supposedly, that public transport was too unreliable.
We've had our own experience with public transport this week. Get ready to hear a guernsey! Boarding the bus on the way home on Monday, Sooz put her new-that-day weekly ticket into the ticket reader on the bus. The reader ate it - and despite the driver's best efforts, it wouldn't give it up. He took Sooz's name and address and said he'd be in touch. Fine, we thought, that's the last we've seen of that.
And it was, until a couple of hours later when a gentleman arrived at the flat with Suzanne's ticket. "Just show it to the driver" he cautioned "if you put it back in a reader, it'll just get stuck again" and with that he was off into the night.
Thanks City Buses. You rock.

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