Sunday, April 18, 2004

Crew cut

What is the origin ofthe term? I did a quick net surf this morning in search of an answer. There was no definitive answer, but it was confirmed on some sights that anything is better than a mullet (cut) when it comes to grooming. The crew cut was made popular in post-World War II USA where returning serviceman decided to keep their low maintenance regulation service cuts except not quite as short. The term itself is attributed to rowers in the 1900s, as distinct from earlier rowers in earlier times (think Viking vessels). The rowers would cut their hair short so it would not intefere with their sport; it also distinguished them from footballers. Truly - this is what it said on the sites I found through a Google search on "origin term crew cut" and variations. I also found a site, attributed to a Coast Guard of some 30 years standing, which gave explanatioans for: cut and run; toe the line; and three sheets to the wind.

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